
Archive for October 20, 2010

Marriott Eyeing Tennis Stadium

October 20, 2010 11 comments
Marriott International

Image via Wikipedia

According to today’s Daily News:

After reading the article, my initial thoughts are we need a lot more information about this proposal. Would it incorporate the stadium without destroying it? Would it allow outside access for the entire community to the stadium for some interesting uses, such as concerts, a museum, tennis tournaments? If so, this sounds like a potentially interesting compromise.
One aspect I don’t like is the “extended stay” concept mentioned as part of the previous proposal. That is not the type of hotel which could benefit Forest Hills. A regular, short-stay hotel with a steady supply of tourists would be the only benefit to our community, I feel. We need to put Forest Hills on the map and create some more creative energy in our neighborhood. Energy that would distinguish us from suburbia, and also, the rest of NYC.
At the same time, this Marriott proposal would have to be something with class and style that is worthy of a New York City development.