
Archive for October 4, 2010

First Live Chat Being Scheduled

October 4, 2010 1 comment

I am pleased to report that it looks like our first live chat in our newly opened chat room will be held pretty soon. The guest will be the Chair of the Rego-Forest Preservation Council Michael Perlman, who you might have heard of from his efforts to save the Forest Hills Tennis Stadium, and his efforts to call attention to the damage caused by the tornado.

Michael has agreed to take your questions in this live chat.

The chat might take place tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 8 p.m., but I am in the middle of nailing that down. If it does take place Tuesday, it will be especially timely because the West Side Tennis Club vote on the future of the stadium is scheduled for this Thursday, Oct, 7th if I am not mistaken.

In any case, I will let you know as soon as possible the exact date and time.

Space is limited in the chat room, so it will be first come, first served.

You can access the chat room by clicking on the link on the right side of this page, or by clicking here: Edge of the City Chat Room

Planes, Trains and WTF ??

October 4, 2010 1 comment
Siemens Velaro China (Velaro CN / CRH3

A Chinese supertrain. Don't look for our version anytime soon, apparently!

Cell phone service is coming to the subway, slowly, and only to some, for now, the rest over four years…. geez: City Room: Phone Carriers Sign On to Bring Service to Subways

And while we’re on the topic of trains, I just saw this other article on The Times website:

Published: October 4, 2010
Republicans running for governor in a handful of states could block, or significantly delay, President Obama’s plan to build high-speed rail.
And that would be because, um, train travel is so god damn awful isn’t it? God forbid we should have high-speed trains here in the good old USA like they do, in say, hmmm, virtually every other advanced society on the planet? Oh, and I guess it might also be because airline travel these days is just soooo awesome, comfortable, convenient, pleasant, roomy, relaxing….

Pizza Habits of New Yorkers

October 4, 2010 Leave a comment
NYC - Greenwich Village: The Famous Ray's Pizz...

Image by wallyg via Flickr

Now this is an important news item that needs to be thoroughly digested if I ever saw one: Thursday night and the living is cheesy